The best way to save money? To make some… 

Soon you’re going to fit your whole world into your room, so why not ditch the extra baggage with a second hand sale? There’s no need for the car boot anymore, apps like Depop are super easy to use and allow you to sell your old clothes, shoes, accessories in minutes. 

The most difficult part is not buying new ones! We understand you’ll still need a new dress for your summer holidays, parties and weddings. So what if we told you there’s an app where you can rent the dress from your literal dreams, as well as amazing accessories? By Rotation lets you do just that. 

With By Rotation you can rent that £300 dress you could never afford for around £30, AND you’re helping someone else save money while sparing the planet from another fast fashion purchase. They even have a pop up store in Westfield Stratford now so you can try before you *buy* rent. Win, win right?

If renting isn’t up your street, you can post your clothes for other people to borrow. Soon your favourite garm will have paid for itself and all it takes is a few trips to the post office.

In preparation for Uni life, why not ditch the public transport and hop on a bike or walk from A to B? This is the best way to get around for your fitness, the planet and it’ll save you so much more money than you would think. £5 a day may seem like pocket change, but over three months that’s £450! Just make sure you invest in a bike lock! 

You could also make the most of your time by learning some new skills. Not only will this fill your days, saving you from spending £20 in an afternoon stroll about town, but it could end up making you money. Agencies are always on the lookout for good freelancers to help them with photography, videography, design, website builds, copywriting. You name it! Join freelancer Facebook groups and platforms like Yuno Juno to get in front of the right people.