Results day is just around the corner, and before you know it you’ll be packing up a car ready to start your University adventure. 

Wherever you’re going, it’s important you feel at home so we’ve pulled together some tips on how you can make your room feel like home!


Firstly, lighting! Ambience is everything when it comes to feeling cosy (fairy lights are the actual best). A nice lamp and lights can transform a room, and fairy lights are so easy to hang or pop in a glass vase or bottle. Have a look at Pinterest for some inspiration.

Taking home with you

Next is taking a piece of home with you! Print your favourite snaps of family, friends & pets and pop them on a feature wall. You can look at these whenever you’re feeling a bit homesick and they’re also a great way to show the kind of things you love to new friends. If you have a Polaroid, even better!

Be selective

Try and unpack as early as you can, so your space is comfortable from the start. A room of empty boxes isn’t nice for anyone which leads to our next and final tip – don’t overpack! It’s so tempting to bring all the half empty toiletries, mismatched socks, old games you haven’t played in years but trust us. Moving your life into a room is going to be hard, so it’s best to be selective with what you want to take.